Today’s post is a bit different, let’s have some fun. I have a 54-second video challenge for you to watch and then we will get back to the post..
How did you do? Did you get the answer right away? Most folks are challenged by the simple brain teaser because they are distracted and fixated on the coins. This brain teaser works even better in person since you can really control the attention of the person you are showing the coins to.
There is a great application to life in this simple brain teaser. Lots of things in life are right in front of our face. Some are visually appealing, others are screaming for our attention, while others sit quietly and patiently wait. Our challenge is to make sure that the things in life that need and deserve our attention get it. Too often we find ourselves fixated on things that really don’t matter that keep us from the real answers in life.
Joseph was someone who was able to cut through the distractions of life. To say that he had a hard life is an understatement. Very few of us will endure the hardships that he did. Join with us as we head into the final few installments in our series of lessons about the life of Joseph. Dinnertime Devotionals 28
You got me! The distraction worked. Great video.