What He Said
Last Tuesday I wrote a post about the need for clear vision and purpose for individuals, families, and organizations. (You can read it HERE if you missed it.) On Sunday our preacher delivered a sermon that walked right down the same path and I wanted to share it with you.
In the message titled “A Life of Conscious Purpose” (click lesson title to listen) our preacher Ed clearly presented the purpose of the church as found in the New Testament. We both referenced Matthew 28:18-20 in which the New Testament identifies the purpose of the church to be teaching all nations about salvation. (Quick note: Our preacher is from Scotland and he has a really cool brogue, a lot like Sean Connery.)
It is easy for organizations and individuals to ‘muddy the waters’ with good things that don’t work towards achieving a goal. For instance, there is no doubt that all the things we are doing as a church are good, but do they work towards accomplishing the goal that has been set for us? It is important to encourage, equip and strengthen the church but it is also important to set the body into action to do the job it is supposed to do.
Regular readers of my blog know that my wife fractured her tibia earlier this summer. Even though the bone has mended her leg is still weak from lack of use. She is on a weekly regiment of strength training prescribed by her physical therapist to get back on track for working 12 hour floor shifts at the hospital. The goal of the therapy is to set her body back into regular motion.
I appreciate the realistic approach of her employer in recognizing that someone can not immediately bounce back to being on their feet for 12 hours after a leg injury of this type. Individuals and organizations can’t expect to bounce right back to where they are supposed to be either. It takes training, vision, and effort to refocus and rededicate energies and priorities.
I very much appreciated this message on Sunday and hope it is as encouraging to you as it was to me. I also appreciate all those who are setting goals for themselves and their families that lead to the same purpose. It is for these folks that I continue the Dinnertime Devotionals series with installment 38 from Philippians 3 – Dinnertime Devotionals 38