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Blogging Basics for Ministers: Publish, Polish and Promote — 3 Comments

  1. There seems to be a strong correlation between posting frequency and growth. J.D. Roth started out publishing as an average of 2-3 posts every day on Get Rich Slowly, only slowing down to once per day once the site was established. And after 4 years, he was able to sell for a price estimated to be in the 7 figure range.

    That said, it also seems that the days of short content ranking well are over. I’ve opted for a middle ground of publishing 3 times per week and trying to average 700-1200 words each.

    • GRS was one of the first blogs I started to follow. Still enjoy J.D.’s personal stuff over at FoldedSpace. I think you’ve got the right model Edward. Several solid offerings a week. People may not be into one post, but in a day or two there will something they really like.

  2. Found your blog through your “crowing hen” post, then delightedly discovered you use WordPress and BlueHost, too. I’m just getting started, doing some informal research on what’s possible, available, and feasible. Your series on starting a blog has helpful insights. Thanks! I haven’t yet explored the capabilities of WordPress, noticed your multiple categories of posts (interesting!), and wonder whether using additional web pages on the website would be a good categorizer (maybe for broad categories?). I’m an old man, compared to you, but hopefully wizened. Maybe I can offer some good information and insights to visitors…and make a little money through ads, referrals, contributions, etc. My initial topics will include: religion and politics (really?…yes, really…I think I can deliver in a cool and logical manner), survival (no, not the “Doomsday Prepper” variety), the logical case for conservative philosophy, chickens, gardening, handyman fix-ups, and various other topics. Your mention of networking is of great interest to me. Anyway, glad I found you, and want to read more of your ideas.